Dear Ones….
Please accept my apology for not getting this posted this morning.
This is Native American Heritage Month, also known as, Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Month.
Today’s Holmes quotes are drawn from his Reader on Practical Wisdom.
“The Spirit of God is an undivided and indivisible Wholeness. It fills all time with Its presence and all space with the activity of Its thought. Everyone is an incarnation of God, and a unique incarnation. All are rooted in the One Life.”
During this month I am keenly aware of the all-too-often unacknowledged contribution and tremendous influence of Indigenous People. Ranging from rescuing the original settlers from their arrogance and ignorance, to collaborating, teaching and guiding those who came later, Indigenous People made the survival of the white people possible. They have endured, despite theft of their lands and myriad attempts to destroy their culture. My heart weeps. I ask an unanswerable question: how can people (incarnations of God) treat other incarnations of God so despicably? Perpetrators of these crimes haven’t limited themselves to Indigenous People: they cast a broad net. My question, then, is even more emphatic. How can this be? How can these atrocities still be happening? I have learned that no matter how many actions are taken, resulting changes are not sustainable unless consciousness itself is shifted. This is where we come in. Before, during and after any and all actions we may be called to take, we pray!
This I know: There is only One … One Source … One Creator … that has sprung forth of Itself, as all creation. I know that just as I am one with and inseparable from this One, everyone, everywhere is an incarnation of the One, the Only. All are unique individuations of the One.
I now declare that Consciousness is being shifted in this very moment! The world is being restored to its Divine Prototype – one in which all expressions of the Divine are treated with kindness and respect, nurtured, cared for, honored and appreciated. I know that millions of people are becoming fully engaged and committed to transforming all levels of relationships so that the world and all its inhabitants compatibly coexist. A world that works for all is emerging. Peace is prevailing.
Gratitude is arising within me as I release this prayer. I have full faith and confidence in its fulfillment.
Dr. Holmes advised us, “Your endeavor then, is not so much to find God as it is to realize God’s Presence and to understand that this Presence is always with you. Nothing can be nearer to you than that which is the very essence of your being. Your outward search culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries—finding God at the center of your own being. Life flows up from within you.”
This is the Truth we know on behalf of each and every unique individuation of Spirit!
In Love and Gratitude,
Rev Trish
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