I know that Spirit or God is all there is, the Power and Presence that creates everything
and everyone.
And I therefore know that each of us is a Divine expression of this one creative power.
We are each part of the Creative Expression of the One Life of Spirit.
And so I know that we have the power to create a new expression of CSLMetro.
Through the spiritual tools of visioning, meditation and treatment we are
co-creating a new, more vibrant manifestation of our community.
I know that we are given everything we need to create this new expression of the
One Life of God.
As we open ourselves to receiving Spirit’s imprint upon us, we open ourselves
to receiving and embodying all the inspiration, all the energy, all the love,
all the resources, all of everything that will grow this new beautiful community.
Ideas are shared and brought into action. Our teaching goes forth into the world
and attracts those who are seeking the principles and practices which we
share to create a world that works for everyone, everywhere.
As we grow individually and collectively, we share our Love, our Energy, our Time,
our Treasure, our Joy, our Creativity, our Beauty, our Peace, our Creative Intelligence.
This is a blessed, joyful creative experience.
And I feel deep gratitude for the privilege of being a part of this wonderful creative
experience with all of you. And so I release this Word into the creative Law which
always receives it and returns it fully realized. And so it is.
Sandy Minnesang, RScP
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