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Affirmative Prayer

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Dear Ones …


“The Science of Mind gives us the passion for a new possibility along with precise and clear directions for building a new matrix of mind and manifestation. It shows us how to activate the constructive imagination and how to hold in thought and feeling the intention and energy for healing, wholing, and cocreation.”                                                         … Holmes, Ernest. The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition


So much in our world seems to be spinning chaotically, yet we know that within that appearance, there is that greater something. We can withdraw our attention from the circumstances and engage with the Divine Passion within us that gives us the ability to reveal and manifest new possibilities. We have learned to use our spiritual principles of meditation (opening to revelation) and Spiritual Mind treatment (setting cause in motion) to change ourselves and our environment. I invite us all individually and collectively to identify some aspect of our world that needs to be shifted, meditate to glean Divine Guidance and pray using the power of our Spiritual Mind Treatment. We are the change-makers and we are deeply needed to do our “work” clearly and consistently. 


Please join me as I, knowing my oneness with all, pray on behalf us all …


Knowing that there is only the One, One Source, from which and of which all Creation has sprung, I know that I am one with that Source and that what is true of me is true of all, I sense Divine Passion arising within me. I pause to clear my mind. I turn within to receive direction – to glean insight into new possibilities. I sense what is mine to do. Activating my constructive imagination, I create a sensory equivalent of what is mine to do and how I am to do it. I engage the energy of “healing, wholing, and cocreation.” I set my intention and embrace the fullness of its manifestation.


I am grateful … oh so grateful.


I release this prayer in full faith and confidence in its manifestation.

And so It is!

In Love, Peace and Prosperity,

Rev Trish

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