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Affirmative Prayer December 3, 2022

Affirmative Prayer

Dear Ones:


Today I received a letter that Rev. Trish had us write at a workshop last New Years.

We were to imagine that God was writing a letter to ourselves.

After reading it today, I was struck by how much more deeply the truths about

myself resonated within me now than when I had written them a year ago.

Upon reflection, I realized how much our spiritual practices and having a

spiritual family has deepened my faith and made my life so miraculous.


Thus I want to share a bit of what I wrote as a treatment for all of us:


God is Love. And since I am a living embodiment of Spirit, I am Love.

I am loved and loving. Within me is everything I need to live a wondrous life.

God provides me with everything I need to prosper and succeed.

I have been given everything to be all that I was created to be–a unique

expression of the One Life of God. God within me guides me. I need only listen and heed

with my mind and my heart.I am never powerless, helpless or alone. Spirit

is always with me, providing me with every resource I need.


Thus I am free to open my mind and heart–to dream big and to live large.

I am here to Celebrate the One Life of God that encompasses the lives of

Everyone. Hallelulah! Today and every day is a new beginning for a new,

freer me. I play big and Shine my Light brightly wherever I go, and I bask in

the Light of Everyone I meet. I am courageous and strong as I remember

that God is always with me, within me, surrounding me. I can trust myself and

others because I know that each of us is a living expression of the One Life of God.


I feel deep gratitude for knowing these Truths and for the blessed Life that I have

been given. I release My Word into the living law where it is aways received and

made manifest. And so I say “Thank you,” and I let it be. And so it is.


Sandy Minnesang, RScP

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