So what is your cosmology? Spirit has been thrusting this question in my face everywhere I turn. Recently, It has been reminding me that central to my cosmology is the conviction that “my life is unfolding perfectly,” even when it doesn’t look like perfect! I had intended to do blog weekly, then my spouse went in the hospital … and is still in the hospital. We’re affirming that tomorrow’s surgery will result in release on Saturday. Part of my commitment to my conviction about my life unfolding perfectly, are several spiritual practices, such as, flexibility and non-attachment, mindfulness and awakeness, compassion toward self and others, meditation and affirmative prayer, yoga and pranayama breathing. In other words, every spiritual “tool” that I can haul out to move through each day with grace and ease to offset any and all experiences of klutziness and struggle that rise up in my humanness.
Many years ago I composed one of my favorite Sunday messages, entitled “Blinking Neon Arrows.” Actually its full title was, “Please God, Give Me Blinking Neon Arrows.” I was and am absolutely confident that I am (we all are) surrounded by Divine Guidance and that I can easily access all that I need in order to make right decisions, be radiantly awesome as my “Divine Self” … and perhaps even be “Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!” I also admit that the number of times I failed to recognize Divine Guidance when it was right in front of me has been astounding. Psychologists will tell you that it is human nature to try to do the very best we can in any circumstance in light of what was known and being experienced at the time. I look back sometimes incredulously, thinking, “That was my best??? … Oh my!!” I have labeled many of them as “learning experiences,” and am comforted that age and my ability to learn from my mistakes have caused me to be more alert to the Presence of the Divine. I have become much more open and receptive to Its nudges while leaning into my conviction, “my life is unfolding perfectly.” [Argh!]
You may be asking what blinking neon arrows has to do with cosmology. We each construct our own cosmologies … world views … our conglomeration of beliefs that are the framework of how we believe the world and all those who inhabit it should think and behave. My relationship with Divine Guidance is one of the cornerstones of my personal cosmology. I am confident that Divine Guidance, with or without blinking neon arrows, is immediately available to me…the only questions are, “Am I awake enough to sense it and trusting (perhaps courageous) enough to follow it?”
A key element of my cosmology is Oneness: we are all in this together, inseparable from one another because we are each individuations of One common source.
No matter how sure I am that the world would be far better off if everyone would simply adopt my way of being (teehee), my cosmology does not include imposing my beliefs on others. Unlike my perspective, some of our fellow travelers on the planet are very rigidly attached to their beliefs and tend to demand that others adhere to their cosmology “or else.” This “my way or the highway” (or worse) mentality can show up as everything from bullying to full scale wars, as gangs, domestic violence and political rhetoric just to cite a few examples. Other fellow travelers may take quite an opposite position and just flow with a personally applied laissez-faire, non-interference attitude that accepts whatever will be will be.
Most of us carom around in the middle. We stand for something … well at least sort of stand for something … and don’t really care about the rest of what is going on unless it comes too close to home. We only get aroused if whatever is going on will have an impact on us personally. Some get riled up about what’s going on, yet take no action other than ranting, while others picket and march and are highly visible as well as vocal. And then there are the altruists who contribute selflessly to the benefit of others with whom they may have no direct relationship.
Oddly, some tyrants and altruists have more in common than may be immediately apparent. They are both inclined to want everyone to “do it my way” and believe that if everyone did cooperate with their perspectives the world would be a better place. In light of my prior admission that I do believe that everyone would have a much better life experience, if they would simply adopt my cosmology of kindness and respect for all other expressions of the Divine (that is each and every one), this parallel of the altruist and the tyrant is a little hard for me to swallow. Spirit has definitely presented me with an opportunity to stretch: in the imaginal realm, I’m there … in the real world my internal conversation leaps to “how can I be tolerant of someone whose behaviors violate the basic foundation of my beliefs.” … “Is that really what Spirit is asking of me?” The word tolerant is one of those double edged swords: to tolerate something one must have already judged the person or situation and then decided to put up with whatever has been judged to be less than or wrong. Not a good place to be. Spirit, calls us to move far beyond being tolerant … it awakens us to Oneness. I am okay, at least on the intellectual level that I may share a desire with some people whose beliefs could not be farther from mine. I’m still caught in the “behaviors that I have judged to be unacceptable to me. Since I believe that I am one with, and inseparable from all other expressions of the Divine, I’m mired in quick sand. Any direction that I move seems to burrow deeper into what doesn’t seem to be reconcilable. I’ll take this one into contemplation and shift direction here. It’s no wonder that communication challenges seem to abound since we each perceive the world uniquely!
So what are your beliefs about how we can achieve a “greater good”? What is your belief about what constitutes a greater good? Do you believe that everyone should do good for the sake of doing good … that we are our brothers’ keeper and that if it’s going to be, it’s up to me? These are just a few droplets in the ocean of your personal cosmology.
Back to “blinking neon arrows” … I have come to realize that my moments of inspiration when a thought comes to me “out of nowhere,” or when I simply must stop to appreciate a gorgeous sunset, when I hear a piece of music, or when I’ll feel I am trying to recall a song and instead it’s a new one that Spirit has planted in me … these are my blinking neon arrows. The insessant presence of a topic like “cosmology,” is a “blinking neon arrow.” Spirit is saying, “go here … there is much to learn and experience.” These are just a few of the myriad way in which Spirit is getting my attention. When engaging in life visioning, asking what is Spirit desiring to express as me starting now, it is my commitment to be more keenly awake and alive to how Spirit is showing up in the ordinary, to write regularly and to speak and teach frequently … and to be consciously alive as Spirit in the world.
Have you entered 2017 with a vision? If not, please use the contact form on our website to let us know that you would be interested in participating in Life Visioning … it’s awesome!
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