“RISE ABOVE THE DESIRE for health and well-being. Just as we have risen above discord, RISE ABOVE HARMONY. Rise to where there are no pairs of opposites, to where there is only INFINITE DIVINE BEING. Rise to where there is only a desire for the realization and awareness of God’s Presence and find fulfillment in Him.” – Joel Goldsmith, the Infinite Way Letters, pg. 39.
I see where often my mind is set on using the Law to manifest health, abundance, and relationship and not on knowing the experience of God, of my truth. I ask that you join me now in this prayer.
There is only God, one power, one strength, one intelligence. There is nowhere God is not. I am one with this Almighty.
Therefore, all of life is for me, and nothing is against me. All that I need is within and available instantly. There is nothing to seek, only things to remember. I focus my thoughts and attention on knowing the experience as God and that all my earthly needs are already met. I focus my thoughts on the things above and release that which no longer serves. Therefore, wherever I go, I am a light to the world in thought and deed.
I am grateful for knowing the Law. That thought precedes all manifestation, and I have the power to make a change in the world.
My prayer is already known in the Mind of God, and so is already done. And so, it is. Amen.
Josh van Tassel, RScP
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