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Affirmative Prayer NOV 04, 2022

Affirmative Prayer

As I gaze in wonder at the breathtaking array of colors on the many trees surrounding me, I feel such gratitude for the

gift of this abundant majesty that is given to us every year before the many gray days of winter. This contrast reminds

me of the wisdom and joy that Spirit sends to us through Nature.

Of course, we are one with all, so what is true in Nature is true in us.

Thus this prayer rises within me:


I know that there is one Creator of all that is and all that is becoming.

I call this One, Spirit, the only Source of everything and everyone.

As we are one with all that is, we can learn so much about ourselves by

seeing and enjoying all that is in what we call Nature.

Today in the midst of the radiant colors of Fall which will be followed

by the days of grayness in Winter, I am reminded that the stillness

and grayness of Winter is as necessary for full life as is the vibrancy of Autumn.

Thus I learn from Spirit as expressed in Nature that I also need times

to be in joyful, beautiful creative expression and times to gather energy

and strength, to be in quiet aloneness, to rest and to contemplate.

And so I am in deep gratitude for all that I enjoy and learn from Nature

about how to remain in a proper balance of outer expression and

inner rest.

And so I release this Word into the Loving Law where it is already so.

And I say “thank you” and I let go. And so it is.

Sandy Minnesang, RScP

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