Get ready to elevate your Sundays!

Join us online to uplift your Spirit and nourish your Soul.

See you Sundays online

9:15 - 9:45 AM for Meditation

10:00 - 11:00 AM for our Sunday Celebration

We gather online at:

We gather live stream on Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 4315 0867


See the links ABOVE to join us on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube.

At Center for Spiritual Living Metro, the vibration of love lifts you, the wisdom of the ages inspires you, and the Science of Mind teaching empowers you. We celebrate the Divine Truth of Oneness, honor all traditions and paths, and commit to ever-expanding our awareness of the presence of Spirit by practicing Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Compassion and Equity. 

Wherever you are on your life journey, you are welcome at “CSL Metro” - welcome to share your unique Divine individuality with us - welcome to all our activities - welcome to explore new creative, meaningful, and fulfilling possibilities for your life. We are a growing, thriving Center celebrating ALL unique expressions of the Divine from infants to people with many years of experience being human.

Centers for Spiritual Living 2025 Global Theme

"Rising Higher Growing Deeper"


9:15 am eastern - Meditation
10:00 am eastern - GATHERING

Center for Spiritual Living Metro

1306 S. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22206

The Center for Spiritual Living Metro

is a dynamic force, a powerful Science of Mind Presence

in the heart of the Washington DC Metro Area.

We attract, celebrate, and serve diverse populations,

embracing unique expressions of the Divine from all walks of life,

locally and internationally.

Our vibrant community, both online and in person,

is transforming the world by awakening it to Oneness and Peace.

Our multi-faceted Science of Mind Presence

is a magnet for spiritual seekers.

- Affirmation -

“I easily tune into the Peace at the center of my soul.”

- Reading Recommendation -

From the Science of Mind Archives: World Peace is Not an Illusion & The Peace that Conquers

Ernest Holmes at Asilomar: Lectures and Classes from the 1950s

By Ernest Holmes and Mark Gilbert

Welcome to Center for Spiritual

Living Metro

Explore New Possibilities For Your Life In A Nurturing Environment

Are you living an inspired life? Are you feeling less than fulfilled? Would you like to hang out with others who are open to greater possibilities? We believe that each and every one of us is an essential thread in a grand tapestry of life. We are here to support you in  living richly – fully expressing your Divine individuality. At Center for Spiritual Living Metro, we are inclusive, honoring all spiritual paths and celebrating the uniqueness of each individual.

Wherever you are on your life journey, you are welcome at CSL Metro.



Join our loving community for meditations, Sunday gatherings, and social and educational events as, together, we grow our awareness of the presence of spirit.

Envisioning a World

That Works for Everyone

At Center for Spiritual Living Metro, we envision a world that works for everyone, everywhere, without exceptions. Our mission is to inspire you to awaken to your own Divinity and lead a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Wherever you are on your life journey, we invite you to investigate, experiment, experience, and embody Spirit in you!


How We See Our World

  • We envision the emergence of a global heart to balance and guide the further evolution of humanity.
  • We see a world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation, and disenfranchisement.
  • We see a world in which there is generous and continuous sharing of hearts and resources.
  • A world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the norm.
  • A world in which borders are irrelevant.
  • A world that has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love through a resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics.
  • A world in which fellowship prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience.
  • A world in which we live and grow as One Human Family.





Meditation and More

An opportunity to connect, meditate, and pray. Weekday mornings from 8:00 to 8:45 AM on Zoom. A daily meditation practice has been proven to benefit all levels of our human experience. We connect, meditate, and pray. It’s a grand way to start your day.

Sunday Centering

Every Sunday from 9:15 to 9:45 AM we open to divine guidance using meditation and visioning. This weekly meditation is perfect to revitalize your sense of connection with Spirit within you. It’s a powerful way to anchor your week in peace, joy, and harmony.

Our First Sunday Meditation with Himalayan Bowls is on hold until we are able to return to in-person meetings. In this rich sensory experience, depths of meditation not accessed in other circumstances are reached. No experience is required. Just bring yourself into this wonder-filled and powerfully healing experience.

World Healing Meditation

Every December 31st, join millions of people across the seven continents of all religious faiths and philosophies as we participate simultaneously on the morning of December 31st in healing the world and bringing forth sustainable peace. We will begin the meditation at precisely the same moment that others all around the world are starting to meditate and pray in the ways of their own traditions. We each affirm peace and commit to doing our part to heal the world. It is truly an amazing experience when we sense the consciousness, the presence, of hundreds of millions of people sharing the hour with us!


Send us a Message

Have a question? Send us a message and get in touch.

  • I love our minister! Rev. Trish gives us wonderful “Sunday talks” which enlighten and deepen my understanding and ability to use the principles and practices to improve my life. She has an engaging sense of humor and the ability to touch our hearts. She is available and very centered in service to others. I love our diverse community of “like-minded” souls. I love the classes and activities offered–on-line as well as face-to-face. I love the musicians. I love that CSLMetro is involved n community out-reach and service and inter-denominational activities. I love the warmth and inclusiveness of or our spiritual family.

    Holly Shockey

  • CSLMetro is my spiritual home and family, Every week I learn & use more practical tools to improve my life. I am deepening my oneness with God and with everyone and everything. You really can be yourself here! (And become your best self) Trish is inspiring, real, humorous and warm. We are a diverse, welcoming, open community, Lots of ways to be active: Sunday services, meditations, classes, activities, gatherings, hikes, play dates,retreats, etc. Everyone’s input is encouraged, Come change your thinking and change you life (and the lives of those whom you encounter) We have a lot of fun together! Great musicians and guest speakers!

    Sandy Minnesang, RScP

    Certified High-Performance Coach (CHPC)

  • Reverend Trish is a must listen! She can bring truth and levity to most any situation. Her many years of training make her fully qualified to assist the individual or the corporation. She is a woman who understands life and the human condition!

    LTC Josh Van Tassel (USA Retired)

  • Classes at CSL Metro rock! Rev. Trish, who teaches many of the classes, is so steeped in our tradition and the underlying science that you get your money's worth and a whole lot more. Plus, they are a whole lot of fun! Come learn and play with us.

    Libby Hecker, RScP

  • Trish Hall is one of the most competent, stimulating, and effective women I know. She has so many talents: outstanding educator who can apply her knowledge for many different audiences and creates curriculum that works for various groups; published minister who gives messages in person and in print that are immediately applicable, and a talented corporate speaker who enthralls large groups who feel like she is speaking to each one of them personally as she shares her expertise. If you can interact with Trish in any way, I highly recommend it and I know you’ll be better for it. I read the chapter in Fearless and Fabulous: Finding Your Way through Change and Beyond that was written by Trish Hall. I couldn’t put it down! It is moving and heartfelt. Her story is well written and, besides being a scary story, what she learned and gained from the experience is applicable to each of us. I highly recommend this book. It should end up on the best seller’s list!




Affirmative Prayer

Dear Ones,

We are living in a time of great importance. We can choose to be afraid, to be

silent, to be angry, etc. OR we can choose to be the loving, intelligent expressions

of Spirit that God created us to be. We can see this time as an opportunity to

use the intelligence, the love, the oneness, the joy that we were created to

express. And we can choose to be brave supporters of our strongly held

beliefs and practices. With this in mind, I offer the following affirmative prayer


I know that there is only the One Presence, Power, and Creator of all that is

on this Earth, in this Galaxy, this Universe and beyond.

I know that I and every living thing is Created by Spirit to express Itself in form.

Therefore I know that each of us is embued with the stuff of which God created us:

Creative Intelligence, Right Action, Oneness, Love, Joy, and the Bravery that

Spirit evidences in all of its creative expressions.

Therefore I know that I am Brave, I am Powerful, I am creating the experiences

that I want to have and to see in the world.

In every encounter, every day I am choosing thoughts, words and actions that

work to create a World that Works for Everyone, Everywhere. I work with

others in every way I can to bring about Peace, Abundance, Freedom,

Right Action, Oneness, Love and Joy. I join in actions that promote healing

of our planet, our nations, our communities, our families, and our children.

I stand for the Rights of every person, every animal, every plant, every creation

of God to exist without interference. I know that we are here to "make a huge

difference" by creating a World that Works for Everyone, Everywhere.

And I give thanks for knowing these Truths and for being able to speak my

Word today. And now I release my Word into the Love and the Law that always

receives and sends back to me the fulfillment of my Word.

So I say "Thank you, Mother, Father, God." and I release and I let go.

And so it is.

Sandy Minnesang, RScP

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