Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

Those who are materially minded have but the “arm of flesh” Those who recognize God as the only power live without fear, with no concern for external power, regardless of its size. Whether it is a high fever, dire poverty, or a hydrogen bomb, it is but the “ arm of flesh”; whereas we have that which is invisible; we have that which cannot be touched, for “no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper…” Just as David went forth to meet Goliath, armed with faith in God, so can we meet any suggestion of inharmony by our recognition of one power.” – Practicing the Presence (PP), Joel Goldsmith pg43.

There is no fear, lack, or limitation in God. So join me now in knowing the truth of our supply.

There is only God, not God, and (fill in the blank). “God is the one intelligence of the universe, the love of the universe, and the omnipresent Spirit that create, maintains, and sustains the universe. God is the source of the beauty of the trees and flowers, and fruits. God is the very substance of the vegetables and minerals. God is the substance of the gold in the ground, of the silver, the diamonds, and the pearls in the sea. God fills the sea with fish. God, it is that fills the air with birds.” PP, Goldsmith, pg41.

God is and always has been with me. Where I am, God is, and where God is, I am. There is only God. I step into this truth of me. I know and live this strength and power. There is nothing on this earth to overcome because all is God.

Therefore, I release the desires of this world, trading them to desire God above all else. “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. if ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:6-7. There is nothing I “demand” of God. I am one with the great I Am, and God doesn’t hurt God, and IT knows my desires before they enter into my mind.

I am always grateful to know the power of affirmative prayer. That what is in my mind is already in the mind of the I Am, thus manifest.

I release these words to the Law, knowing that it is already done. And so it is. Amen.

Josh Van Tassel, RScP

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on October 24, 2022 by CSL Editor.

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