Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

Coming to stillness of my body, releasing the distractedness of my morning, choosing the serene joy of stillness of my entire being … I am fully present in this moment.  I rest here, open to Spirit as It stirs my heart and reveals to me the perfect words for this prayer.

I know there is only One.  It is the Absolute, the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omni-present Beingness before all, in all and after all.  It is the creative Source of everything.  It is expressing Itself in, as, around, through and throughout everything!  I drink it in trying to wrap my finiteness around infinity.  It’s mind boggling … amazing … awe inspiring.  Here is where I stop, I breathe and soak in kinesthetically beyond what my mind can absorb.

I am one with this Indescribable Infinite. What is true of me is true of all. Yes, I am in awe!

I now speak my word about each person reading this prayer.  I know that each is “Simply Spirit” so all Divine Attributes are imbued in each.  Each is pure potentiality.  Each is unlimited possibility.  I now claim on behalf of each that s/he is now open to drawing on Divine Wisdom and confidently following Divine Guidance … that Spirit as each is expressing radiant health, boundless abundance, loving relationships and peace.  Leaning into the knowingness that Spirit’s presence is everywhere, life is good, rich and full.

I am grateful for knowing this Truth and for the quality of life that naturally unfolds from living consciously.

I release this prayer in total confidence that it is already known in the Mind of God and absolutely assured of fulfillment.  I know it is so!  And so it is!

In Love, Peace and Gratitude,

Rev Trish

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on May 13, 2017 by CSL Editor.

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