Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

I know that everything that is and everything that will be

is created by the One Life of Spirit.

And as I gaze out at the abundance of color and beauty

in the flowers, shrubs, and trees on this lovely Spring day,

I am awed by the variety and endless creativity I see.

And I ask for guidance to see all of humanity as I see

the endless creativity in Nature. May I view each face,

each individualized human being in the same way that

I view the beautiful variety in Nature. May I remember

always that We are all One with our own individualized

attributes, talents, beauty. Let me be in awe of my

brothers and sisters of every form in the same way

that I am in awe of the infinite variety in Nature.

For, indeed, we are all–Man, Animal, flora–all of

us part of the infinite tapestry of Life created by

Spirit. And so I am thankful for all that I see, all

that I experience, all that is and all that is to be.

And so I say simply, Thank you, God, and

release my Word and let it be.

And so it is.

Sandy Minnesang, RScP

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on May 3, 2022 by CSL Editor.

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