Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative Prayer
I sit here in my sacred space, and I notice thoughts and judgments fleeting about in my mind. I’m reminded that the problems of our world are fate, from all thoughts everywhere, as written by Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God. It is our collective consciousness that can change the world for good.
There is only God, one power, one force, one intelligence. It is peace, abundance, health, joy, contentment. It is creation, constantly experiencing itself.
I am one with It. Where I am, God is, and where God is, I am. Likewise, this is true for all. Everyone is a unique expression of the divine. There is nowhere God is not. And changing the spacing of nowhere, we see that God is now here!
I know and claim peace now. I see beyond circumstance standing in truth. I see a world where love prevails. A world where leaders choose love over war, families choose love over fighting.
I am grateful for truth, love, and the law. Affirmative prayer works!
I release these words to the law, and so it is. Amen.
Josh Van Tassel, RScP
This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on March 26, 2022 by CSL Editor.
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