Power of Right Thinking
Power of Right Thinking
I now discipline my faculty of judgment and make it a disciple to serve God, My Good. My judgment is that “I am” is God and there is none else.What I add to “I am” I become there therefore I add only good to “I am”.
I am strong
I am health
I am prosperity
I am joy
I am love
I am beauty
I am happiness
I am beloved
I am successful
I am kindness
I am rich
This is my judgment!
I am conscious of the fact that when I make judgments about others, I am making judgements about myself. I want only good for myself therefore I only want good for others.
Every statement that I make, every thought that I think is in some way a judgment.
So, now I make positive judgments. I judge righteous judgment.
Jesus said: whatsoever judgment you judge, you shall be judged.
So, I remember, not to judge according to appearances.
If I keep judging something, it will materialize in my experience.
So, I judge perfect health
I judge perfect life
I judge wealth
I judge deserving love
I judge promotion
This is my judgment.
Judgment of imperfection or evil is not my business.
I judge right and just judgment.
I am the disciple James – The faculty of judgment, justice and wisdom!
Amen. And so it is!
Jason Muhammad, RScP
This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on March 20, 2022 by CSL Editor.
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