Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative Prayer
As I sit in the silence, contemplating all that is happening in the world today, I am comforted knowing that there is a Power and Presence that is greater than me and all of humanity combined for It is the One Mind, the One Life. To experience this Life in all of Its many facets, It creates, from Itself, as Itself all in the universe. This Power is Peace, It is Light, It is Joy, and above all, It is Love. Therefore, everything and everyone is created from Love.
Knowing this, I know that Love is at the core of my being, it is the Divine Pattern within me and within all of humanity. We are each unique expressions of this Divine Pattern, yet we are all united together in Oneness.
As leaders of the world come together to seek peaceful resolutions, I claim this Divine Pattern of Love and Peace for each person, whether they are at the negotiating table or in the streets expressing their desire for peace. This essence of the Divine moves into action and into form so that ideas are freely expressed, cultures are honored, and what is seen as the common good from our human perspective expands to the highest good for all. And in the end all people live in peace, harmony, and prosperity.
In deep gratitude knowing the power of prayer, I release this Word knowing it is done.
And so it is!
Rev. Jackie Labarre
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on March 6, 2022 by CSL Editor.
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