Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

We seem to focus a great deal of our attention  (and prayers) on trying to change conditions.

We know that the Truth is that conditions are simply the outpicturing or manifestation of

Cause, which is always our ideas, our words, our beliefs, our actions (individually and

collectively). In other words, we always need to change our consciousness in order to bring

about any change in conditions.


Therefore this is my treatment for today:


I know that there is only One Cause, One Creator, back of all that is and will be.

This One, which we may call God or Spirit or whatever we choose, is Creative

Intelligence. Everything begins in the Mind of God and is brought forth by the Law

of God into form.

Since I am a creation of this One Life of God, I am made of God stuff and have

within me the same Creative Power of Spirit..I am an individualized expression

of Spirit. Therefore I create in the same way: What I believe and know in consciousness

is received into the Law and brought forth into Form,

Thus, if I wish to change a condition, I cannot do so by focusing on that same condition;

by doing that I give it more creative power to manifest.

The only way I can change a condition is to create a new idea, a new belief, a new

knowing. This creative Cause is then received by the Law to create a new Form, a new


I am so thankful for the knowing of this Truth and for the gift of Creative Cause within me.

And so I simply say, “Thank you, God.:”

And so it is

Sandy Minnesang, RScP

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on July 30, 2022 by CSL Editor.

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