Notes on Our Spiritual Journey
Awakening from the Habit Trance
When we stop doing what we’ve always done out of habit and take the time to re-examine our beliefs, questions arise. The excitement we felt when we first realized that that impulsion to seek and the desire to feel at-one-ment is Spirit nudging and guiding us to awaken to the One … the One that is Life Itself! The yearning to re-kindle the passion surges and we feel alive as Spirit inseparably connected with all of Creation. You may feel the pull of Spirit competing with the push-back of fear, the inclination to hide in the familiar. Chris Trout asks, “Can you let go of what you have insisted is true and, instead, choose the Truth that will set you free?”
To live fully as Spirit is the ultimate freedom and it is accessible to all of us to the degree that we are willing and receptive. Ernest Holmes taught us that we can only attract that
which we become mentally and until you feel yourself as your potential you won’t have the capacity to have the experience. The Truth that sets us free resides in the knowingness that Spirit as us has the capacity; that It is what is calling us to unite our inner world and our outer experiences. It is what calls us with a sublime sense “I already knew that yet I didn’t know I did.” It’s when we catch on that we are greater than we ever realized and that it’s only the beginning. We have access to greatness that is Spirit in us as us and Spirit is illimitable!
So where do we start such a journey? We begin by “unpacking” our assumptions in the light of day to sort out: What do I believe? What have I adopted from some external source? Do I believe it? Does it make spiritual sense? Can I rely on it? Dr. Holmes wrote in the Science of Mind, “… what the world needs is spiritual conviction followed by spiritual experience. I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principles than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered.”
Unless we are willing to throw off the blinders of habit, we remain numbed – trapped in rote functions of thought. Challenged to lean into the possibility of thoroughly experiencing aliveness, of living “oneness,” we may falter and experience fear. We can allow emotions to paralyze us or we can be grateful that they are there to signal that it is time to pray and push through to an ever expanding experience of Life.
Ours is a simple faith: One Divine Source expressing Itself as all of Creation , always allowing access to Itself, ever encouraging Its expression to fully embody the Truth of its being, always calling creation to be its most magnificent. Many, in seeking to explain our philosophy, have made it seem complex. It is neither complicated nor convoluted. Often, people cannot believe that it is so simple: they insist that life conform to human logic. It doesn’t work that way because spiritual logic is not limited by human constraints.
We must go back to basics at regular intervals to remind ourselves, “ours is a simple faith.” When we re-anchor in the simplicity, clarity and power of Oneness, we remember that Spirit is the life that animates us and all of creation. The One Life that is God in anyone is the same One Life that is God in all of creation. We are inseparable from Spirit and one another. We are made of “God-stuff” because there is no other stuff from which anything is made. To experience Life at its fullest, we must remain keenly alert to the Divine Nature of all of creation and be willing to live accordingly. We must be kind and respectful of every other expression of the Divine.
Are you willing to be stripped naked of old limiting beliefs? Are you willing to shred your old assumptions in order to really, freely live Life? Are you courageous enough and trusting enough to start fresh? Let me know if the answer is ‘yes.’
Rev Trish
It is simple enough to understand the philosophy of the ages. It is simple enough to come to believe that, whatever you call It, there is only one Power in the Universe, there is only one Presence, there is only one final Law. It is Good, it is Love; we call it God. It is where we are. We are in It. Since It is present everywhere, It is in us. And It is the same God. Ernest Holmes, Ideas of Power (1992)
This entry was posted in Latest News, Ministers Musings on July 29, 2016 by CSL Metro.
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