Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

I know that there is One Power, One Creator of all that is.

That One, which we call God or Spirit, is all there is.

Therefore I know that I am a living embodiment of this One Life.

Spirit is Infinite Intelligence, Wholeness, Unity, Peace, Beauty, Love, Energy, Life,

Therefore I know that I am Intelligence, Wholeness, Unity, Peace, Beauty, Love, Energy and Life.

Everywhere and at all times I am surrounded and personify this

One Life of God.

Behind any and all appearances to the contrary, I know that there

is only this One Life of God.,

Therefore there is nothing to fear, no reason to ever feel inadequate

or incapable. I am never alone, and I am always guided by the Divine

within and without me. I can deal with whatever shows up in my

experience. I am One with the Power and Intelligence of Spirit.

Therefore I give thanks for knowing these Truths, and I rest in Peace.

I let it be, and so it is,

– Sandy Minnesang, RScP

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Today’s Prayer on April 25, 2017 by CSL Editor.

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