Notes on Our Spiritual Journey July 22, 2016 Minister Musing

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer

As we welcome the Spring, a time of renewal and growth in Nature, I share with you this treatment:

I know that Spirit is the One Cause back of Everything and Everyone, Spirit creates out of Itself

expressions of Itself. In Nature I see the reappearance of the flowers, the grass, the green leaves,

the new life in the birth of animals. Life is exuberant and boundless as endless expressions of

the One Life of Spirit.

And I know that this same Life Force is within me, expressing as me, bursting forth in renewal

and growth, This is a time to examine old ideas, beliefs and actions; a time to let go of the

old that no longer serves me or this community called Earth. This is  time for me to release

the old that is no longer useful; and to embrace the new–the ideas, beliefs, words and

actions that express Divine Truth: Oneness, Love, Wholeness, Peace, Joy, Abundance,

It is time to shake off the doubts, fears, and limiting ideas of the past and to embrace and

express my True Nature. I rejoice and give thanks for knowing my Truth.

And so with deep gratitude I release this Word into the Divine Law which only says “yes;”

I let go and I let God. And so it is.

Sandy Minnesang, RScP

This entry was posted in Affirmative Prayer, Ministers Musings on April 4, 2022 by CSL Editor.

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