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This course is a unique opportunity to explore the rich intellectual heritage that has shaped our understanding of spirituality and personal transformation. Delving into the captivating history of ideas explore how they converged within American culture, giving rise to the New Thought movement. With engaging lectures and stimulating discussions, students will gain a deep understanding of the historical journey that led to the birth of Religious Science and New Thought.
For more information and to register, go to:
Aquire the tools to change your life! Learn the keys to living more authentically and achieving greater fulfillment. If you seek transformation but have never achieved it, then this is what you have been looking for! If life is awesome, yet something inside is calling you to be even more, this is what you have been looking for! During this 8 week online course, you will learn tools to make lasting shifts that enhance your life and the life of those around you.
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Instructors: Rev. Trish Hall & Jason Muhammad, RScP
Course length: 8 sessions (weeks)
Course type: Virtual (Zoom)
Tuition: $180
Course start date: Monday, Sept 13th @7p – 9p
Learn how to enhance your life with the ancient teachings of the Bible. Jesus used short stories called parables to convey profound spiritual truths. The parables charge our spiritual journey with energy and our soul with light. During this course, students are introduced to ways to interpret stories from the Hebrew Bible, as a foundation for understanding the teachings of Jesus. Students become familiar with the power of parable stories as inspiration for transforming the soul. The ancient parables come to life as students learn to relate them to the challenges of today’s world. Students will engage in discussions, role-playing, and problem-solving exercises, as well as creative arts expressions. There is no prerequisite for this course. Click here to register
Instructor: Eugene Holden, RScP
Course Length: 14 sessions
Tuition: Save $225
Course Start Date: April 7, 2021 – 6:30 to 9:30 PM
This course expands on your current knowledge of Science of Mind Principles and Practices through study of the interrelationship between Spirit, Mind, and Body. This discovery is based on the principles of Science of Mind as well as current research in the scientific fields of medicine and quantum physics. You will also employ spiritual practices to apply these ideas in your own daily life. Click here to register
Course Length: 7 sessions – 2 hours each – use contact us to let us know your interest
Required Texts: Mind Over Medicine, Dr. Lissa Rankin; The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
Tuition: Save $225 Your price is only $180! Contact Rev Trish about scholarships
Course Start Date: May 28, 2020– 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Living the best possible life takes practice, practice, practice. Discover proven practices that bring spiritual principle into action allowing you to manifest a desired goal or intention. During this course you will begin to see changes in your life the more you put the spiritual practices you are learning into action.
Course Length: 5 sessions – 2.5 hours each.
Leap into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe there is a corresponding mental image. Discover how to measure and expand thinking to create a larger mental image so that one’s greatest desires may demonstrate.
Course Length: 5 sessions – 2.5 hours each
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Prosperity Plus is a dynamic, video based 7-session program that teaches a new way of living centered on the spiritual practices of an abundant life. In this program, Mary Morrissey teaches you how to move from fear, scarcity, and limited thinking to a life full of possibility, prosperity and promise. Through the study and application of these prosperity teachings, you have the opportunity to create the shift necessary to open doors to new levels of abundance in all areas of your life!
In this video-based, you will learn:
This program is about discovering and developing tools that will support you in building A Life YOU Love Living! Remember that there is not one thing you would love that the power within you does not know how to bring into form.
The Creative Process is at the heart of everything that occurs in our lives. Our thoughts create our reality! In this course you will learn spiritual principles and practices to enhance your life. You will be supported in awakening to your own Divinity and living a rich and fully expressed life.
This course presents our foundational principles in a way that is immediately accessible and entirely usable. It guides students through processes that emphasize the practicality of our teaching. Students experience how changing their thinking, changes their lives as they move beyond prior limiting beliefs and learn to embrace a boundlessness they may have never believed was possible.
This course delves into “What We Believe,” compiled by Dr. Ernest Holmes, author of the Science of Mind and founder of the Religious Science movement. By examining each of the seminal concepts, students gain insight into Ernest Holmes, the mystic, and reveal ways to put the power of this teaching into action in their lives as they move deeper and deeper in their exploration of inner Spiritual Truth. This experiential course incorporates study, creativity and meditation.
This meditation course is suitable for beginning meditation students and as a refresher for more experienced students. Students will experience several different approaches to meditation including meditation with light, mantras, sound, movement, breathing, and learn the art of guiding meditation. Students will write a brief evaluation of each week’s meditation practice and conclude the course by designing and facilitating a group meditation. session.
Course Length: 8 class session plus a workshop
Ernest Holmes studied world religions and philosophies. He placed particular emphasis on the works of Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. In this course, students will explore select writings of these three within a context of the early days of New Thought in America.
The focus of this 10-week course, Self Mastery, is on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, students have an opportunity to gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings.
Course Length: 10 sessions
This course is an exploration of ideas that converged in American culture to become what we now know as the New Thought movement. These ideas originally arose before recorded history yet were not made easily accessible to the general public until they were rediscovered and expressed in the writings some notable people in the 19th century. Students will read and discuss some of these sources of key concepts that Ernest Holmes pulled together as the Religious Science – the Science of Mind.
Length: 10 sessions
Eric Butterworth inquired, “Can you accept Emerson’s dictum that you are born to be rich or inevitably grow rich by the use of your faculties?” To be rich is to be plentiful and abundant. To prosper is not only to succeed in material terms – be financially successful, it is to flourish physically, mentally and spiritually … to grow strong and healthy. We are not in this world to merely survive, we are here to thrive … to do right for oneself and others! In this course you will gain a greater understanding of the basic spiritual principles that influence the free flow of prosperity and learn to use them effectively every day in every area of life. This is a sensible, solution-oriented class. There are no prerequisites for this course other than a strong desire to enhance your life … and that of others.
The course provides the framework for the student to live the mystical life here and now. Through the study of mysticism and daily spiritual practice, the student gains a broader perspective and deeper experience of his/her own personal way of living the mystical life. The emphasis is on becoming a mystic rather than simply learning about the mystics. Thus, the student learns that the mystical life is eminently practical as s/he learns to be “in the world but not of it.” Each student consciously creates the environment in which to engage in this personal mystical journey by studying, practicing meditation, spiritual mind treatment and contribution, and by developing witness consciousness and practicing the Presence. The final project for this course is to prepare a report on the mystic of his/her choice that will be presented in class and shared in writing so that all expand their knowledge of the array of mystics among us throughout history. This course is ideal for anyone seeking to deepen his/her own awareness of the Divine Reality of all life.
Please notify Rev Trish Hall if you are interested in becoming a Professional Practitioner.
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